...electrifying life science

About Me


About me

Jie Chen received his B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering from Fudan University, China, and his M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park, USA. He is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an adjunct professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Alberta. He is a visiting Professor at Yale University for 2018. Dr. Chen is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, as well as a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada. Dr. Chen was elected as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of the Circuits and Systems Society (2016-2017). His supervised students received the Best Student Paper award at the IEEE/National Institutes of Health (NIH) Life Science Systems & Applications Workshop 2007 for their contributions on glucose-coated gold-nanoparticles to enhance radiation cytotoxicity. His co-supervised student also received the best poster award by the International Union of Crystallography at the Conference of Biology and Synchrotron Radiation (BSR), Hamburg, Germany, 2013 in recognition of the most novel use of synchrotron radiation or free-electron lasers in biology. He has supervised or co-supervised over 80 highly qualified personnel. Among them, some have started their own companies; some continued their graduate studies (one entered Stanford University, and one joined Yale Medical University). One student became a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University. Three students became faculty members in China and Taiwan. Dr. Chen has co-authored threebooks, 210 journal and conference proceeding papers. He holds seven patents, several of which have been either used in production or licensed by various companies. His current research focuses include: (i) biomedical circuit and VLSI design, (ii) impedance-based and colorimetric-based microfluidic biosensors for disease diagnosis and environmental monitoring, (iii) artificial intelligence technology for early diagnosis of mental health and wearable device for treatment.

Dr. Chen is the recipient of several prestigious awards including the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Maryland in 2020, the Killam Annual Professorship Award 2015-2016 (one of the highest honours to a professor in Canadian Universities for outstanding contributions in teaching, research and community services), McCalla Professorship Recipient 2016-2017 (One of the highest honours given to a professor at the University of Alberta), and the Canada Foundation for Innovation Leaders' Opportunity Award in 2011. He received the Member of the Year Award from the Association of Chinese Canadian Professors in recognition of his outstanding leadership in 2012. He is the technical committee chair-elect of Bionanotechnology and BioMEMS. He serves as technical committee chair-elect of IEEE Therapeutic Systems and Technologies (TC-TST) of EMBS and a steering committee member for the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. He is an associate editor for the IEEE Open Journal of EMBS and IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. He also served as an associate editor for IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and served as a guest editor of several special issues. His collaborative research on the design of a miniaturized ultrasound device for intra-oral dental tissue formation was featured in a Reader’s Digest article on major medical breakthroughs in Canada in 2006. The invention has been reported in over 20 news/media publications worldwide, and was cited in a front-page report in Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, June 28, 2006. The device received Health Canada approval in 2016. Dr. Chen also helped establish two Bell-Lab spin-off companies. One company focused on developing the 4th-generation wireless network was acquired by QUALCOMM in San Diego in 2005. The other produces digital HD-radios installed in most brands of cars worldwide and sold in most retail stores.